Brandon Wall

Brandon Wall is an American motion designer based in Nashville, Tennessee.
Both a talented graphic designer and an excellent animator, he combines all the qualities needed to excel in this profession.
Brandon realizes neat animations to showcase services, websites and applications. And he does it well.
Lettuce App Animation
Below is the latest animation of Brandon to present Lettuce , a web application to manage orders. He handled the graphic design and the animation, and offers an elegant result giving us desire to know more about this service (without seeing a single piece of it).
The design serves the purpose perfectly, the information is conveyed in a clear way, all good!
The illustration, the best explanation
The major trend in recent months for this type of animation is clearly in the illustration. Take the example of Dropbox , Spotify , Google , all highlight their services without needing to show a single image.
The illustrations take over, the message is clearer, more direct, and it focuses more on what the product does, rather than what the product looks like. A quick look on Startup Videos confirm this trend.
Below, four other animations of Brandon, always illustrative and well animated.
There are some great ideas for animations and transitions, that I let you discover:
For the record, I discover Brandon after this message on twitter . I thank him again for the recommendation of our website alongside two giants, and it's an honor to be able to help him in any way with these tutorials. Good luck to you!
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