Posthuman - Mobile Mast by JimJamGraphics

I love Vimeo . There is no better place on the net to find some nice videos, and most of the best studios, artists and filmmakers are now present.
Spend more over 5min, explore the collections of users and channels, and you're about to fall on a small bead at one time or another.
This was my case for example with this hypnotic clip directed by JimJamGraphics for Posthuman on their title Mobile Mast :
[Vimeo id="13758559"]
When I was approached by the band to make this video and II was hooked on the hefty bass and the stomping beat. I wanted to make a video That Captured the straight up dance music of the Aesthetic purpose aussi Steady Developed with subtle exchange through out.
There Was something about the track That made me want to play with the contrast of light and refracting Reflecting-through glass in a dark and moody room.
JimJamGraphics who used to work for 3DsMax on AfterEffects and it's a safe bet that this clip uses the same tools.
The recipe is simple: a single 3D scene composed of 13 cubes, changing textures, colors, and lights in rhythm, and great editing.
What could become tiresome quickly managed to hold the 4mins, with a sleek and hypnotizing a gradual ascent.
Simple and effective ;)