I'm Thirsty - The keyframes cocktail of Romain Loubersanes
Romain Loubersanes, aka Onskin, is a French motion designer based in Paris. He's one of the best and most promising, and it's always a pleasure to discover his works.
Personal projects are often more interesting and more fulfilling for creative professionals. The hard part is to find a starting idea, the blank page being the big problem of these projects.
Romain has chosen the cocktail theme, and has created a graphically interesting universe around the most famous recipes. Small details like the subtly animated background make up the richness of this animation.
A mix of After Effects and Cinema 4D, which associate decidedly as well as rhum and angostura!
ART DIRECTION : Romain Loubersanes
ANIMATION : Romain Loubersanes
MUSIC & SOUND DESIGN : Quentin Garabedian
SOFTWARE : After Effect , Cinema 4D
The sound design is made by Quentin Garabedian , better known under the name of Vahe, motion designer and musician . Quentin had also realized that poetic animation for the contest 3.
Below you will find other work of Romain, and knowing the guy, the best is yet to come!
Diffuseur : France Ô
Production : France Televisions
Générique / Habillage : W2P Studio
Direction Artistique : Violaine Barrois
3D : Romain Loubersanes
Motion : Romain Loubersanes
Musique & Habillage sonore : Chut on vous écoute -
Diffuseur : France Ô
Production : France Televisions
Générique / Habillage / Habillage plateau : W2P Studio
Direction Artistique : Violaine Barrois
Animation : Romain Loubersanes
Musique & Habillage sonore : Chut on vous écoute -
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Opening titles for Digitized 2012

Simply superb!