MK12 - Tactical Design and Research Studio

MK12 is an American studio specializing in motion design that excels in a retro style is both simple and complex at the same time.
They carry mostly composed mainly of videos of shapes, solid colors and fonts sets, with a great mastery in animation of all their elements.
A good example of their talent is their latest project, a short film called Me Telephone
The film revolves around the alphabet and power would have some words when spoken. For example, the phrase Never Kill a Snake With Your Bare Hands when it is understood, would have the power to trigger the brain of the container lethargy which makes the person receptive to future manipulations of brain ... Here for the pitch!
- MK12 has developped its own technique to separate RGB channels of each element, and for those interested, I recommend this great plugin pixel blender Separate RGB .
- The words are very important in Telephoneme, a Typography has been specially designed for the film and can be downloaded here: MK12 Chadwick
The sound was the starting point of departure for Telephoneme. This is the darker adaptation of the soundtrack of a film of the 60s, The Alphabet Conspiracy . The vote was then the main thread, guiding the animation MK12 As of events dictated. The film combines elements of several other visual educational films of the sixties, and the retro side in the color selection, editing, and processing of voice works perfectly!
Below you can find the demo tape was the 2010 studio MK12, gathering all their latest work. And for those who would like to see more, have a look on their website in the section work, you'll find a bunch of achievements ;)
Stranger Than Fiction
MK12, it is also they who made ??the stunning intro and outro sequences of the film Stranger Than Fiction, mixing Pictos Typos and 2D, 3D and Live Action Tracking. These are very good use of animation techniques simple, but rich, where the march was tracking perfectly. The ending sequence with rotoscoping, cutting and play with simple shapes colored is also very nice.
If you like this kind of animation, I recommend my previous post dedicated to this style ;)
Interface design
The design of interfaces deserve a future post dedicated, but here's a taste. You do not necessarily make attention, but in most action movies, SciFi, and the kind of cop shows NCIS & Co, all the great art computer systems and software used ... Are false! During filming, the screens are mostly green or off with a couple of tracks, and people come around and create overlay all interfaces.
There are studios intiérement specialized in this branch of the motion design, but also MK12 is doing very well!
The same recipe:
- simple shapes or graphics takes over the technical
- mastered and dynamic animations
- a multitude of elements to lose the eye and simulate complex.
I've put in the bonus sequence intro James Bond directed by MK12. Personally, I do not hang, but I think I'm more objective, I was traumatized by all these little intros so special that I found too long before they get into the movie ^ ^
Motion Graphics makes sense
Finally, here is a series of sequences performed for the video game Rock Band Beatles Special, always by MK12. I wanted to talk because they represent very well the possibilities of our software are loved what AfterEffects.
A beautiful preparation of Photoshop, very graphic oriented, we go all in After:
- is shifted layers in 3D space
- we made ??some simple animations of appearance (scale, position, rotation, masks ...)
- adding a camera to stroll over all ..
And get good spots retros very nice for the Beatles, from photos. Of motion graphics, it tells me something .. yes: the Motion Graphics!
I hope you have enjoyed discovering what this beautiful studio MK12 atypical. For my part, I recommend their cousin Prologue , in a style quite similar and equally enjoyable if you still want to watch some cool videos !