New Mattrunks website

And voila! This time it's official, mattrunks is changing for good.
But first, as some surely did not expect it, I should say that this new version does not bring much new tutorials for the moment. The development of this new version required lot of time, and all my efforts were devoted to its creation. Producing of new tutorials will begin next week, and I intend to catch up!
Now that things are clear on this point, let's talk about real news!
Graphic redesign
The thing that is perhaps most striking at first glance, it is the change of the identity of the site.
Everything has changed, and it was time! The previous design dated from 2009 and older readers probably remember it, I do not usually wait that long ;)
New Logo
The new logo was designed by the brilliant Coullon Claire , who works at OP45 . The former had become cold, too rigid. The new logo brings a touch of freshness while staying serious, and I'm very happy of it. Thank you to her for this beautiful work:
New user experience
The old site was not designed for e-commerce. And not everything was clear for a new user, or even for a member. So I spent several weeks developing a specific and functional mockup of all pages to make the user experience simple and pleasant. Tell me what you think !
New Design
Besides the logo, it's the overall design of the site that has changed. It was designed by the talented Theoze , artistic director at Colorz , who had designed the previous one.
In this version, many, many more little details have been added, while increasing the clarity of the site, and its ease of use. Personally, I love the change in general, and I am very, very happy with this new design, and I "hope you enjoy it!
Theo thank you again for the work done on the site, it was a pleasure to work again with you :)
This is Dorian, aka Nairone , that we owe the beautiful illustrations in this homepage (offline). I asked him something representing creativity and movement, and I think he did very well out! Thank you to you :)
New features
You will probably find them out as you browse the site, but here are the main new features:
New "members" page accessible from the main navigation, to easily search for members by city, skills, jobs, etc. .. It's fast, and convenient if you want to find a motion designer to work with ;)
New pricing
Several new features have appeared on the payment pages, either to subscribe to a premium membership (now in one step), or make a deposit to buy the source files.
Premium subscriptions start at 9 € / month (instead of 15 €), but no longer has the option to download videos. This option is available at the same rate as before, but only for the annual option, of € 90.
The deposits are now starting at 10 €, for those wishing to purchase individual tutorials premium.
The entire site is now available in English. You can switch from one version to another using the selector in the header. This is one of the major developments for the site. It was the most time-consuming feature to implement, by the number of elements to be translated.
Thank you to Dominic Pons for his excellent translations of the video tutorials.
Permanent connection
This may seem silly, but this is one of the things that annoyed me the most about the old version: having to reconnect every time! This is now fixed, and you will automatically be connected after each return to the site. It was time!
Whether on the pages of tutorials, blog posts, or contests, the authors are now much better highlighted. This goes along with the appearance of new trainers, which I will talk about lower.
And many others
I'll let you discover for yourself now!
New Trainers
It is with great pleasure that three new instructors join the site. Two of them have already published a tutorial.
Be kind, because it is their very first tutorials. And expect to see others in the coming weeks, in addition to mine coming soon.
- Fcome - He will publish tutorials about 3ds Max and After Effects
- Donald Simonet - He will deal with Cinema 4D tutorials on the site
- Pierre Magnol - He will propose tutorials combining After Effects and Cinema 4D
Custom development
It's my friend Grafikart who is responsible for the integration and development of this new version.
And what a development! He started from scratch, creating both the back office, the cms and custom front-end, using the latest technologies.
I could not describe the admiration I have for him as he impressed me. In short, nothing scares him, and nothing stops him. Not even my most unexpected requests, and my unbearable change of mind. I think I was one of his worst customers, 4 hours per day of skype calling for 2 months, I do not know how he did not crack!
The result is there. The site is even richer than I had hoped, and Jonathan was able to materialize all my expectations. A big thank you to him for all the hours spent on the project, it was a pleasure for me to work with him on this website.
If you want a little more info on the technical aspect of the site (CakePhp, Jquery, Compass, il8n, etc. ..), I suggest you to read this article , or wait for the article of Grafikart on his blog .
Now what?
Well now that all this is over .. I will finally (some will laugh) can seriously begin to enrich the site with fresh content! Starting next week, I'll re-open Screenflow for new After Effects tutorials.
Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this new site! See you soon.
To my grandfather
Want to go further? Other articles on the same topics:

The things that are coming on

2012, new year, lot of news!