Hi guys! My name is Sara Bennett, also known as Shabello, freelance motion designer.
Just wanted to share a pretty cool little technique I created in After Effects using Trapcode Particular!

This experiment was inspired by the absolutely gorgeous video for Breakbot's Baby I'm Yours.
The final result started out similar to the final frames where the word Breakbot is revealed, but I have tweaked it to give a softer, more pastel-like texture :

  1. Shabello Psychadelic Paint Effect L
  2. Shabello Psychadelic Paint Effect - Hello L
  3. Shabello Psychadelic Paint Effect - Mattrunks L

Download the project

You'll need to have After Effects CS5 and Trapcode Particular installed to use this project. 

Psychedelic Paint Effect with Particular - CS5Download

How to use it

The file is fairly easy to adapt to your own needs, just paste your path from illustrator into the X,Y position of the Trapcode Particular layer,  the colours are all editable in the particle composition. I'm sure this setup only touches on what is possible with this technique, so don't be afraid to go wild and break it!

  • Open the "Text Draw" Composition
  • Select the "Main Path" layer and hit "U" to reveal the animated properties
  • Replace the keyframes of the "Position XY" property by pasting from an Illustrator path or an After Effects mask. 
    To paste from an After Effects mask to a position property, be sure to select the Mask Path property, and not the mask itself.